On May 14, 2025, from 6 am to 10 pm a big red donate button will appear on the right side of the homepage and organizations pages allowing you to securely and efficiently make donations to organizations dear to you.  See below for complete details covering Donation & Match pool guidelines and Organization Eligibility.

Back again for 2025: Checks will now be accepted if received at the Foundation office, 310 Second Ave, Warren, PA no earlier than Monday, April 7, 2025, and no later than noon Monday May 12, 2025.

Donation checks must be made out to the Community Foundation of Warren County and accompanied by a Check Donation Form available at the Foundation office or by clicking here: Check Donation Form.

Contact the Foundation office for complete check acceptance details – (814) 726-9553 or by email at: lag.cfwc@westpa.net

Start planning your giving by visiting the Organization page today to learn more about organizations, their plans, and missions.

Would you like a reminder? To receive an email reminder on this special day of giving, please click here.


Donation & Match Guidelines:

  • The minimum gift per organization is $10. The maximum gift per organization is not limited but only the first $1,000 of any donation will be eligible for match dollars. (For example, a donor gives $50 to an organization, $50 is counted towards the match pool; a donor gives $2,500 to an organization, $1,000 is counted towards the match pool.)
  • Organizations are prohibited from donating to themselves.
  • The Community Foundation reserves the right to refund donations for any reason.
  • The spirit of this special day of giving is one of awareness and appreciation for community non-profits and encouraging new giving.  Donations to fulfill pledges or for named or capital projects are very important to our non-profits and we encourage you to personally make such donations directly to those organizations in addition to your Warren Gives donations.
  • MasterCard/Visa, and Discover credit and debit cards are accepted.
  • Checks will be accepted if received at the Foundation office, 310 Second Ave, Warren, PA by Noon Monday May 12, 2025 .  Contact the Foundation office for check acceptance details – (814) 726-9553 or email lag.cfwc@westpa.net


The red Donate Now button will appear here on Wednesday, May 14th, 2025.

Credit & Debit Cards Accepted!

Donating to one or many of your favorite organizations has never been easier or more affordable!
credit card icons
VISA, MasterCard and DISCOVER credit and debit cards accepted.