Mission: The mission of the Allegheny River and Reservoir CleanUp is to help keep this valuable resource healthy for generations to come. Our goals are three prong:
- To remove garbage from in or along the Allegheny River and its tributaries for the ecological health of this resource and the safety and enjoyment of residents and visitors.
- To promote stewardship of the Allegheny River watershed and highlight how it has been, and continues to be, an important recreational, ecological and economic asset to Warren County.
- To promote a spirit of giving back to the community. We encourage everyone to get involved in this project.
About Us: Each year, the Allegheny River and Reservoir CleanUp energizes hundreds of recreational users to become citizen stewards of the major watershed spanning western Pennsylvania and New York. Through spring and fall events, participants collect and recycle trash and litter—primarily plastics and metals—that accumulate and spoil the waters and shorelines of the Allegheny River, her tributaries, and the Allegheny Reservoir.
Since 2005, almost 5,700 volunteers have donated more than 45,000 hours and have removed about 1,000 cubic yards of trash from the watershed. They have pulled out television sets; microwave ovens; lawn chairs; refrigerators; 55-gallon drums; more than 18,000 tires and recycled more than 142,000 pounds of recyclable metal (that’s more than 70 tons!). Countless bags have been filled with recyclable metal, glass, plastic and aluminum.
Critical Needs/Projects: Funding will support our operations and the efforts of our volunteers. These funds will cover the purchase of safety items such as gloves, flagging tape, large buckets, and garbage bags, as well as, when practical the, provision of porta john facilities in areas where amenities are lacking. Additionally, funds will be used to publicize events, encourage community participation, and reimburse volunteers for fuel and other expenses related to cleanup activities. Finally, funding will help repair or replace the recently acquired 30-year-old trailer used for storing and transporting equipment and supplies.
Contact: David Snyder (Volunteer/Team Member)
Email: info@alleghenyrivercleanup.com
Website: http://www.alleghenyrivercleanup.com
Facebook: Allegheny River Clean-Up