The Toy Shoppe of Warren PA.
The Toy Shoppe of Warren PA is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization. For 25 years The Toy Shoppe has provided wooden toys, puzzles, and games, at no cost, to the children of Warren County. In that time, we made over 30,000 toys that were distributed directly to children through The Salvation Army at Christmas time and to 23 other non-profit agencies and Day Care centers including the Department of Human Services, Head Start, and the Warren County School District, all of them serving the needs of children in Warren County. They use these toys to educate and entertain the children they serve.
In 2024 we distributed 1,350 toys, puzzles, and games to our partner agencies and added a new partner to our list, The Warren County School District. We provided them with toys to be used at recess to entertain and educate the 1ST grade students in the 4 elementary schools in the County. This is a partnership we will continue.

How Can you Help?
A financial donation through Warren Gives 2025 will be used to purchase tools, parts, paints, paint supplies, and wood required to produce toys, games, and puzzles. This support allows our volunteer woodworkers and painters to produce and distribute toys free of charge to the children and to the non-profit agencies who serve their needs in Warren County.

Can you Volunteer?
Volunteers are needed to build and paint toys so that The Toy Shoppe can make children happy. You will experience real happiness when you see firsthand the joy and excitement the children have when they receive these toys. It is an indescribable experience.

If you are interested, but are concerned about not having experience, do not worry, we will provide training and safety instructions. You will be surprised at what you can do.

Contact: Patrick Williams Phone: (814) 726-1641 (H) 814-730-7830 (M)

Contact: Dee Dee Tucker Phone: (814) 726-3140