Warren, Pa’s July 4th Festival is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 operation made up of individual volunteers from the Warren area. Its purpose is to produce a series of family-oriented events around the 4th of July to celebrate the Birthday of this great nation and the Heritage of this fine State.
As a host city, Warren is showcased in a series of events that help enhance the quality of life in Warren, show pride in the community, support the non-profit and civic organizations and provide educational opportunities.
Our Celebration brings together the resources of the City of Warren, area businesses, civic organizations, families, and individuals to sponsor and support the Festival events.
Current Projects/Needs: Current projects include Music, Entertainment, Solicitations program, Vendors, Children’s Events, Advertising, Grand Prize Tickets, Fireworks, Logistics, Warren Gives, and our Signature Event the 4th of July Parade.
Our needs are volunteers!!
Contact: Bill & Kelly Thompson
Address: Warren County 4th of July Organization
PO Box 434
Warren, Pa. 16365
Phone: 814-688-5444
E-mail: bkthomp23scarver@gmail.com
Website: www.warrenpajuly4th.com