Our Mission
Woofington Dog Park is a local non-profit organization that provides a Free, safe, healthy, and secure fenced in environment for all dogs, big and small to play, run and socialize off leash with their owners.
Our park is a labor of love created and maintained by a small group of volunteers for the people and dogs of Warren County dependent solely on donations.
Woofington Dog Park is also extremely popular with visitors, tourists and dog owners traveling with their dogs through Warren County, conveniently located next to our Welcome Bureau.

Goals recently met by past donations
This past year, with donations from supporters like yourself, we have attained our goal of a much needed water well. Although it might have seemed we were at a standstill, saving for this necessity was an all-encompassing project and focus. A pavilion to provide shade and seating was added in the larger fenced area. With the addition of the water well and pavilion, there has been a huge increase in the usage of the park. Another unexpected expense, due to damage caused by the storms in the spring, was the need to re-gravel the path leading to the park, the gated entrance, seating areas, and the drip line around the Pavilion. The cost was able to be squeezed into the budget but did put a dent in our future plans.

Your Donation this year will help provide
This year, our focus will be the continued upkeep of the park grounds itself, fence maintenance, and adding a shade source to the smaller fenced area. We are also in the planning stages for a parking pad and handicapped parking area off the River Road access, a huge expense but one that is very necessary.

Your generosity will bring so much Joy to our furry best friends

Contact: Lisa Clinton, President
phone: 814 688 4803
email: woofingtondogpark@gmail.com
Website: www.woofingtondogpark.com
Facebook: Woofington Dog Park