Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania Serving Warren County


 Our Mission, Program, & Reach

The Girl Scout mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
• We achieve this through leadership development programming for girls in grades K through 12 in the areas of STEM, outdoors, life skills, and entrepreneurship.
• Our approach is girl-led, collaborative, and encourages ‘learning by doing.
• Girl Scouts provides a safe environment for girls to learn and grow.

Last year, 51 caring and supportive volunteers from the Warren County Service Unit served over 180 Girl Scouts across 9 troops – helping to provide the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. 549 badges were earned in the areas of Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, Outdoors, and STEM.

Our dedicated volunteers provide the kind of behind-the-scenes support that makes it possible for girls in Warren County to make amazing new memories at Girl Scouts. We are always in need of more volunteers – visit to see the ways you can volunteer.

Girl Scouts Commitment to Warren County:
Each year, we provide between $750 – $1,250 in financial assistance to local families in Warren County, making a commitment to ensure that all girls can join Girl Scouts despite any financial barriers their families may have. Your support through Warren Gives helps make this possible.

Girl Scout Events:
Local Activities include:
– April 29 – Outdoor recruitment event in Sheffield open to all interested girls.
– April 30 – Daisy Launch at Warren Public Library open to all girls PreK – Grade 3
– May 20 – Outdoor Evening with Girl Scouts recruitment event at Betts Park open to all girls.
– May 17 – Let’s Go Camping Training at Champman Dam at Chapman State Park open to all adult leaders.
– Additional summer programming at Beaty, Lacy, and Defrees city parks

Troop Highlights:
Troop 52981 (Tidioute) has been working on badges. In February, they made Valentine’s for patients at a local hospital and learned about chocolate making. Then in March, they celebrated Girl Scouts’ Birthday. This was planned, decorated, and hosted by their juniors and cadettes.

Troop 46675 is a multi-level troop (K- Grade 8) that has been meeting at St. Joseph’s since 2015. This year, they have had a lot of fun learning about outer space, going on a climbing adventure, building and racing pinewood derby cars, serving their church community during Girl Scout Sunday, winning 1st place as a Troop during the annual Art Show at the Warren Library, selling cookies and more!

                                      (Picture of Troop 46675’s winning art entry “Be your best Selfie”)

Local Contact:
For more information and to get involved locally, reach out to Amy Oler