When you’re diagnosed with cancer, everything seems to stop. You want answers about your diagnosis, your chances to beat it, and your treatment options. Warren General Hospital’s Cancer Center team will walk with you through your journey with cancer.
Our entire WGH Cancer Center team of doctors, nurses, therapists, and other healthcare professionals will be at your side to take care of your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. We will support you on bad days and celebrate your success on good days. WGH Cancer Care Center provides “World-Class” care to patients with cancer and is at the forefront of new and emerging clinical, transnational, and basic cancer research.
Please donate to Warren Gives on Wednesday, May 14th, 2025 from 6 AM – 10 PM, to help all of us fight cancer, close to home.
Additional services include:
Radiation Therapy SBRT, SRS
- SRS is a non-invasive radio ablative technique that can be used instead of surgery for things like brain mets. Here at WGH we don’t use it to treat functional abnormalities. Tertiary med centers may use it to treat functional abnormalities like seizure foci.
- SBRT is similar to SRS except it uses 2-5 fractions (treatments) as opposed to 1 treatment (SRS).
- DIBH is used during left-sided breast cancer radiotherapy to decrease radiation dose to the heart.
IGRT Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) uses medical imaging to help provide precise and accurate radiation treatment.
SGRT Surface Guided Radiation therapy allows us to create a real-time, 3-dimensional map of your skin using multiple cameras to track the surface of your body. This increases the accuracy and can allow for a “tattoo-less” course of treatment.
4D CT imaging
Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) is a technique used while breast cancer patients receive radiation treatment.
Exceptional Cancer Care, Exceptionally Close!
WGH Cancer Care Center
Social Services
- Nutritional Consultation
- Education Center with Internet Access and Lending Library
- Transportation Assistance
- Professional Prosthesis Fitting
- Wig/Hat Exchange
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation Therapy
- Hematology
- Infusion Therapy – Including Antibiotics and Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn’s Disease
- Community Center Screenings
- PET/CT used for accurate treatment planning not enhanced treatment options.
- Linear Accelerator with Multi-Leaf Collimation and cone beam CT imaging
- IMRT- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
- VMAT – Volumetric Modulated Radiation Therapy
- Dedicated CT Simulator and Conformal 3-D Isodose Treatment Planning- MIMS: fully computerized treatment planning for delivering the highest level of precision radiation therapy with very minimal side effects to surrounding normal tissue
- SpaceOAR Hydrogel – A water based gel that is implanted between the rectum and the prostate to minimize side effects to the rectum
- Fiducial Placement – Implanting Gold markers into soft tissue which identifies the area of the tumor on imaging, making the target much more visible and doses more precise to the target.
- Xofigo – (Radium 223 dichloride) – used to treat castrate resistant prostate cancer within the bones.
Contact: Mary Ridout,
Director of Marketing and Communications
Phone: 723-4973 x1705
Email: mridout@wgh.org
CEO: Rick Allen
Email: rallen@wgh.org
Website: www.wgh.org