Organization FAQ’s

What is the deadline to apply for participation in the event?

Requests for consideration of participation must be received by Foundation by 5pm on December 31 the year prior to the event.  Inquiries should be sent to

Why am I not listed as a participating charitable organization?

To participate in Warren Gives a charitable organization must primarily serve Warren County, and have received a CFWC grant*.  Questions regarding eligibility can be sent to  Requests for participation in the event must be received by 5pm on December 31 of the prior year.  Participation is not automatic.  Inquiries should be sent to

*CFWC grants do not include grants from Donor Advised Funds.  While CFWC manages accounts for various funds and issues checks on their behalf, Donor Advised Fund grants are not considered as Foundation grants.


When will I know how much my organization receives?

Event grand totals will be shared with local media and published at as soon as credit card donations and checks clear and numbers are verified – 3-4 days after the event.  Organization totals for the top 10 organizations will be posted at about a week after the event.  Donor reports and funds will be distributed to organizations as soon after the event as possible, typically about 2 weeks after the event.


When will I receive the donations?

Organizations will receive their check for donations plus the prorated match amount by mail typically within two weeks after the event.

Will I know who made a gift to my organization?

All donor contact and gift information received during Warren Gives will be provided to the respective organizations after the final numbers are calculated and checks are distributed, unless the donor selects the option to remain anonymous, in which case the organization will receive information on the amount but not who the donor is.


Are there rules beyond meeting eligibility requirements organizations must follow?

Eligible organizations must also have a current profile page created on this website by March 1 of the event year, promote their organizations participation in Warren Gives to the best of their ability, and organizations may not donate to themselves.  Organizations should NOT channel on-going pledge campaigns or membership dues through Warren Gives.

My organization’s profile information is incorrect. How can I correct it?

Email any necessary changes to  All page updates must be submitted by March 1 and those updates will be completed by April 14th.

How does the prorating match work?

The Community Foundation of Warren County will enhance each donor’s gift by providing a prorated match to each gift made to each charitable organization, i.e., if a gift from a single donor, to your organization, exceeds $1,000, the amount above $1,000 will NOT be match eligible. The CFWC will divide a total match pool among the participating charitable organizations.

The red Donate Now button will appear here on Wednesday, May 14th, 2025.

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Donating to one or many of your favorite organizations has never been easier or more affordable!
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