Mission: Eisenhower Pride (also known as Ike Pride)
was formed in 2014 as a non-profit 501(c)(3)
umbrella group to provide support for 13
organizations, clubs and sports groups
serving the K-12 student community located
within the Eisenhower Elementary and Middle
High School campus in Russell, PA.

The following groups are a part of Ike Pride:


PTC:Elementary Parent Teacher Community
IMPACTS: Middle School PTA
Volleyball, Softball, Cheerleading,
Football, Baseball, Cross Country, Soccer & Track,
Boys & Girls Elementary and Middle/High Basketball and Wrestling

We believe every Knight can have a bright
future. Our purpose is to foster a sense of
support, pride and enthusiasm that
encourages parents, alumni and the
community at large to be involved at
Eisenhower. Ike Pride’s member groups
serve the needs of approximately 875
students campus wide in various ways,
from supplying student journals and school
supplies to sponsoring educational
programs and assemblies, as well as
providing busing and equipment for sports
and clubs. One of the most practical ways Ike Pride
can provide support is to ease the burden
of fundraising for each member group. Your
donations will go directly to the member groups.

Critical Needs/Projects:  Our annual Capital Campaign wraps up in June to make it an “ageless” state.
Any donation amount gets us one step closer to our goal.

Contact: Todd Venman
Address: Eisenhower High School
3700 Route 957
Russell, PA 16345

Phone: 814-730-9727
Email: eisenhowerikepride@gmail.com
Facebook: Ike Pride